Proper preparation prevents poor performance

Quality over quantity, more haste less speed, clean as a whistle… you’ve probably heard these phrases many times, and all of them can be important when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint – especially in relation to bridge maintenance.

This is because they relate to the importance of doing things once and doing them right.

Quality over quantity

While buying in bulk can reduce packaging, it can also be a false saving. Do you really need 50 cheap paintbrushes or would five good quality ones be a better long-term investment as they survive multiple uses?

More haste less speed

It may be possible to re-paint your bridge in just three shifts, but how long will that re-paint last? Taking the time to properly prepare the surfaces – and waiting to carry out the work when conditions are right – will reduce the likelihood of the paint failing. Meaning you can leave it longer between re-paints, so saving you money and reducing the carbon impact of the painting.

Taking your time over a project also ensures it’s completed correctly the first time because redoing work is a waste of carbon, time and money.

Clean as a whistle

Keeping the bridge – or anything – clean is good both for clearing debris that could cause damage and for keeping a look out for any minor issues before they become major problems.

Working together, all three of these sayings can help reduce both carbon and costs for any activities.

When it comes to bridge maintenance and engineering projects, one of the ways to ensure a project is carried out as efficiently and accurately as possible is to invest in a supervisor. This greatly reduces the risk of inadequate outcomes, because – to quote another popular saying – proper preparation prevents poor performance.

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