Sponsorship highlights agricultural history

A charity with an agricultural connection stretching back hundreds of years is pleased to sponsor the Farm Shop or Deli of the Year category of a Kent awards scheme.

The Rochester Bridge Trust, which provides the bridges over the River Medway at Rochester at no cost to the public, is sponsoring the category in the Kent & Medway Food and Drink Awards because of its long history of farming and its commitment to reducing its environmental impact.

Tim Cathcart, Chief Estates Officer at the Trust, explained: “A substantial part of the income that allows the Rochester Bridge Trust to provide the crossings comes from our agricultural property estate. Many of the agricultural properties are in Kent and include soft fruit farms, orchards, vineyards, arable land and grazing.

“The Rochester Bridge Trust, which has achieved net zero carbon management of its bridges and other activities, recognises that farm shops and delicatessens provide an opportunity to ‘buy local’ reducing food miles and cutting carbon emissions. We wish all the entrants well and look forward to finding out who will win this category.”

The awards are open to food and drinks producers across Kent and Medway, with members of the public invited to nominate their favourites. A shortlist of the most popular three nominees will be announced on 17 January 2024, when judging begins. The winners will be announced on 27 February 2024.

To find out more or nominate, visit the Kent & Medway Food and Drink Awards website.

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