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Keeping the bridges clean

An important part of the Trust’s ongoing maintenance programme involves keeping the bridges clean.


This is partly to ensure they continue to look smart, but it also gives us the opportunity to review the integrity of the structures and ensure they continue to be safe.


Recently, late night drivers will have witnessed some of this work when our contractors FM Conway could be seen jet-washing the bowstring trusses of the Old Bridge.


Commonly referred to as arches, these steel bowstring shapes serve more than just a decorative purpose: they are the structures that give the Old Bridge its strength.*

This particular round of work saw the bowstrings jet-washed, while kerbs and other areas were also cleaned. These tasks are carried out at regular intervals throughout the year.


We also used this opportunity to put up the Trust’s Christmas lights. The New Bridge will be lit up at the same time as the official Rochester Christmas lights switch on: 5pm on Saturday, 19th November.

* If you’d like to know more about bowstring trusses, they appear in lesson plan six on the education website.

Pictures: Peter Moore, FM Conway

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