Sustainable sandwiches

As part of our drive towards carbon neutrality, our staff consider all the opportunities to reduce their work-related carbon footprint. When we are in the office we try to bring our own lunches in reusable packaging but sometimes we need to buy food that’s fast and convenient.

So what opportunities do we have to make good choices for carbon reduction in something as simple as buying a sandwich for lunch?

The first thing is to select products from companies with ethical and sustainable sourcing and packaging policies. Raynors Foods offers a range of very nice sandwiches, many of them plant-based and they all come in plastic-free packaging, using a fully recyclable cellulose alternative. We have found that this range is stocked by one of our favourite independent outlets on Rochester High Street, the Deaf Cat Coffee Shop.

Great finds like this are shared at staff meetings so that everyone is aware of opportunities to reduce their overall carbon impact while still enjoying a tasty lunch.

Raynors isn’t the only sandwich maker to use sustainable packaging, so we next time you’re looking for on-the-go food we recommend reading the packet before you buy – those few minutes of thought might just reduce the carbon footprint of your lunch.

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