Bedtime stories engineered to inspire young children

Bedtime Stories for Very Young Engineers is a new initiative to inspire the dreams of the bridge builders – and aerospace engineers and software developers and more – of tomorrow.

The scheme, which is a beneficiary of the Royal Academy of Engineering engagement awards, brings together more than 30 people from a range of engineering backgrounds, with the aim of writing and recording short stories that bring their area of expertise to life for young children.

Kate Castle, Bridge Programme Manager at the Rochester Bridge Trust, has been selected to take part in the scheme, which is now at the recording stage.

She said: “Reading a book with my own three-year-old is one of my favourite things about being a parent, particularly at bedtime to get that routine and time together. To think I will be able to read her something I have created is just brilliant. To know my story could also inspire countless other youngsters makes the whole experience even more worthwhile.”

The Bedtime Stories project began in October, with the engineers taking part in a series of evening workshops covering topics including story development, language and visual production. They then worked alone to write their stories, before recording them and sharing them with the world.

Kate added: “As engineers we’re all used to working to find solutions, and bedtime stories are an interesting solution to the challenge of inspiring young children. I hope that children will hear our stories and look at the world just a little differently, so that next time they see a problem they will think: I wonder if an engineer is doing something to solve that?”

All of the stories are written by the participants, enabling them to share their unique view on their engineering discipline, as well as introducing the breadth of possibility to be found within the profession.

Claire Saunders, Education Officer at the Trust added: “Storytelling is a really interesting way to engage children, not just the very young, with information that is often delivered through more traditional means. I look forward to seeing the outcome of the learning aspect of this initiative – and to hearing Kate’s stories!”

To find out more, and to hear the stories when they are published, visit

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