Budding young bridge designers are invited to take part in a school holiday competition.
Rochester Bridge Trust’s friendly mascot Langdon the Lion is asking anyone aged 16 and under to send him their drawings of bridges. The picture doesn’t have to be of Rochester Bridge. It can be any real or make-believe bridge. His favourite picture in each age category will win a prize.
The competition is split into two age groups. For those aged nine and under the prize will be the K’Nex kit Introduction to Structures: Bridges. Entrants aged 10 to 16 will be competing for the K’Nex kit Real Bridge Building. A popular construction toy system, K’Nex is designed to challenge children to learn while they play.
To enter, please send the child’s drawing to either LangdonTheLion@www.rbt.org.uk or Langdon’s Drawing Competition, The Bridge Chamber, 5 Esplanade, Rochester, Kent ME1 1QE. Pictures must be received before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, 3rd September. Please include the child’s name, age, address, email and the telephone number of a parent or guardian.
The winning pictures will be chosen by Langdon the Lion’s advisors at Rochester Bridge Trust.
The competition is open to children based anywhere in the UK. Click here for further information.
Crossing the Medway from medieval times to the modern day: www.www.rbt.org.uk
1. The Rochester Bridge Trust was founded in 1399 and is the only surviving independent bridge trust that still serves its original purpose. The Trust owns and maintains the road and service bridges over the Medway at Rochester and has contributed to the cost of many other Medway crossings over the centuries. It makes charitable grants and supports other charitable and educational projects in Kent.
2. The Trust’s income derives from 14th- and 15th-century endowments, and assets are carefully managed to provide funds for bridge maintenance and future replacement as well as charitable activities. It provides its services entirely free to the public. The Trust receives no external funding and is regulated by the Charity Commission.
Supporting Engineering Education: www.rochesterbridgetrust.org.uk
1. Langdon the Lion is a friendly character who guides children through the Trust’s free Key Stage 2-level education packs.
2. Comprising 12 lesson plans for educators, the books and associated website encourage youngsters to get involved with bridge building, trying out different techniques and thinking about the engineering challenges involved.
3. Langdon was chosen as a mascot because of the lion statues on Rochester Old Bridge, while his name was taken from Langdon Manor Farm, one of the original properties bequeathed to the Trust.
For more information:
The Rochester Bridge Trust
5 Esplanade
Kent ME1 1QE
Tel: 01634 846706