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Progress Report on New Gas Main

In September, Southern Gas Networks (SGN) commenced work on a project to upgrade the local gas supply network in Rochester.

The existing supply main, carried by the Rochester Old Bridge, has reached the end of its useful life. A new main, laid across the river in the Service Bridge, is now in the final stages of being connected to the wider network. The new main has been laid parallel to the existing pipe, which has remained in service to ensure supply continues to customers. In December the new main will be tested and brought online. The old main will then be isolated and decommissioned.

Work to remove the old gas main will begin in the new year to avoid disrupting the A2 during the Christmas period. The main will be lifted off the Old Bridge in sections via crane from the New Bridge. Occasional lane closures eastbound at night-time (8:00p.m.-6:00a.m.) will be required during this operation. The timings of these closures will be advised nearer the time.

The work is being overseen by the Rochester Bridge Trust’s engineers, Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd, who are working closely with SGN to ensure the works are carried out safely, and that disruption to the public is minimized.


1. The Rochester Bridge Trust is a charitable trust that exists to maintain the old and new bridges at Rochester and serve the travelling public. It is the only surviving bridge trust still serving its original purpose, and it has served the people of Kent since 1399. The Trust also supports numerous community and education projects across historic Kent and Medway.

2. The Trust’s assets all derive from endowments of land and money in the 14th and 15th centuries and are carefully managed in order to provide an income to fund bridge maintenance and local charitable grants. The Trust receives no external funding and is regulated by the Charity Commission.

For more information:

The Rochester Bridge Trust
5 Esplanade
Kent ME1 1QE
Tel: 01634 846706
Fax: 01634 840125

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